1Blessed are you, the
God of our ancestors, •
worthy to be praised and exalted for ever.
2Blessed is your holy
and glorious name, •
worthy to be praised and exalted for ever.
3Blessed are you, in
your holy and glorious temple, •
worthy to be praised and exalted for ever.
4Blessed are you who
look into the depths, •
worthy to be praised and exalted for ever.
5Blessed are you, enthroned
on the cherubim, •
worthy to be praised and exalted for ever.
6Blessed are you on the
throne of your kingdom, •
worthy to be praised and exalted for ever.
7Blessed are you in the
heights of heaven, •
worthy to be praised and exalted for ever.
The Song of the Three 29-34
AllBless the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit,
worthy to be praised and exalted for ever.